Pause + Pray

The Light Is Coming

A hand is holding a candle towards a bunch of lit up candles in a dark room


The winter solstice is known as the longest night of the year and is the point when the path of the sun is farthest south. On this day, the sun travels the shortest path in the sky, resulting in the one day of the year with the least sunlight. On this longest night in many spiritual communities, people remember loved ones who have died and feel the loneliness and sadness of their loss.


God of Light,
Sometimes your presence is hard or find in the dark moments of life.
No matter how dark the dark is, the morning light always arrives
both in the physical and spiritual life.
Fill me with your light so that I bear the light to those around me.


Jan Richardson is a modern-day mystic, poet, artist, and worker of words. Search online for her poem about the winter solstice, “Winter Solstice: Blessing for the Longest Night.” Pray with her reflection on this winter solstice. How does it speak to you? What is tugging at your spirit?

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