Pause + Pray

The Holy Women of Galilee

Field of white flowers


The holy women of Galilee are rather hidden treasures. Only Luke 8:1–3 gives them an introduction—with many left unnamed. By pulling together threads here and there from the Passion narratives, we can create a lovely tapestry of these holy women. Mary Magdalene, Susanna, Salome, Mary of Clopas, Joanna, and several nameless others—they are biblical women to inspire.


Oh holy women of Galilee, pray for me
that I too, may feel drawn to Jesus,
that I too, may quietly serve him with a full heart,
that I too, may persevere when following Christ—
even during those so-very-difficult and dark times.
Help me to serve you selflessly—as they did.


Pick one of the biblical characters named in today’s reflection and find out more about her. How does her example—as brief as it appears in Scripture—inspire you today?

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