Pause + Pray

The Antidote to Envy

woman holding sign "I'm here you not" sign at a waterfall


The deadly sin of envy fixates on the ego’s obsession with self-concern. It entices me to look across the fence and dislike my neighbors because their grass is greener than mine. Envy suddenly turns an innocent circumstance into an intense competition as I run up and down the staircase of comparisons: “He’s smarter than me.” “I just have this, but she has all of that!” “They get more attention than me.” I feel degraded and covet what others have or are. This sin sometimes lies at the heart of resentment and the obsession to discredit or malign the reputation of others. Envy’s antidote is self-acceptance and the ability to celebrate the lives of my neighbors.


Spirit of the Living God, grant me the grace of self-acceptance
and satisfaction with what you have given me.
Give me gratitude for the different talents and gifts of others.
And most of all, guide me with the gift to revel in the joys
and successes of my neighbors.


Compliment a neighbor or friend on a unique, God-given talent or gift. Instead of wishing that you had their gift, take a step back and think about what God has provided you.

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