I have long thought the account of Jesus walking on the sea and calming the storm is one of the most incredulous actions. In haste, Peter jumps out the boat when he realizes it’s Jesus and begins to walk. However Peter loses his focus when he gets distracted by all the elements of the storm. For a moment he takes his focus off Jesus and begins to sink. Yet Jesus in his loving kindness immediately rescues Peter.
Dear Jesus, I can never predict the storms
that may come on my journey of life.
When I get distracted by all the things I cannot control,
like Peter I lose my focus, and begin to sink.
Help me never forget you are with me in every storm of life,
and that you will never abandon me.
Read and reflect on this story, Matthew 14:22-33, and put yourself in the scene. What do you see, hear, experience, and touch? What one word, phrase, or image speaks to you?