Pause + Pray

Pop-up Prayers

man inside food truck


Some businesses have pop-up breaks or meetings. A food wagon shows up, offering fragrant cuisine on different blocks. Pop-up demonstrations surprise us with their energy and brevity. Pop-ups can be fun.


You are present in every moment, Embracing God, even those moments where I myself drift distracted and distant.
Please listen to my pop-up prayer. 
Thank you for this cup of coffee.
Thank you for this open window.
Thank you for an hour that flows calmly.
Thank you for the power of patience.
Thank you for nudging me to thank you at odd moments
and the in-between times of today.
You give them. Grace me to pop-up with a Thank You.


I will be alert to opportunities to pop-up a prayer of gratitude for gifts I often accept without thanks.

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2 thoughts on “Pop-up Prayers”

  1. Arlene B. Muller

    I like this & I think that this is something I try to do.
    Sitting down to dedicate time to formal prayer or meditation is a challenge that I am guilty of avoiding. I often neglect my Morning & Evening Prayer from LITURGY OF THE HOURS, even though I find Bishop Barron’s monthly subscription very helpful because there is no “page flipping”.

    But reading these meditations from FRANCISCAN MEDIA, listening to contemporary Christian music in my car, saying grace before a meal, usually in my own words aloud with a friend at a diner, thanking GOD for a parking space or a blue sky or a pretty flower & for recognizing His help the many times He made difficult situations less difficult & showed His Presence & Providence are things I CAN do & do often, & I am grateful that these are also good forms of prayer.

  2. Love this! A great reminder that God is in every moment of our lives and that “pop-up” prayers are a wonderful way to stay connected and grateful to our Lord.

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