Remembering his time in a German concentration camp, Viktor Frankl notes, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” In every situation and every day, you have the freedom to choose how you will respond to the events of your life. You can affirm your freedom, agency, and ability to find joy and meaning in challenging situations. You can choose to love and welcome.
God of creative freedom,
Remind me that despite the challenges of life, I can choose love.
I can choose to use my freedom to make a difference.
I can face challenges knowing that I have the freedom to rise above
And be an agent of my own destiny in companionship with you, O God.
Throughout the day, ask God to give you guidance on how best to use your freedom. When you are tempted to be a victim of events, remind yourself that even when you can’t change the situation, you have the freedom to change your attitude.