Pause + Pray

Give to God What Is God’s

woman in church


I find myself distracted during my prayer time by my long to-do list or preoccupied at Mass by the sounds around me and the noise in my head. Then Jesus says to my heart, “Repay . . . to God what belongs to God” (Mt 22:21).


Dear Jesus,
Clear my head of all that distracts me from you.
Quiet my restless mind so I can hear your still, small voice
and see your glory around me.
You are always with me,
and if I don’t feel your presence,
it’s not because you’ve deserted me
but because I’ve lost my focus.


Focusing on a single phrase can help quiet our minds and still our thoughts. Choose a word or phrase and silently repeat it for a full minute. One of my favorites is “Come, Holy Spirit,” but experiment to find one that works for you.

Colleen Arnold, MD

1 thought on “Give to God What Is God’s”

  1. Thank you for sharing this wisdom. Pray for me, as I will for you. For I have received a thing from our Father, but do not know how to give it back to Him.

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