Pause + Pray

Fighting Racism

sign that says racism is a pandemic


Over the course of her life, St. Katharine Drexel focused her energy on the material and spiritual well-being of African Americans and Native Americans. Mother Katharine’s dedicated efforts can inspire us and be a model for us as we work to uproot systemic racist ideas in our Church and in the world.


Dear Jesus, you inspired and emboldened
Katharine Drexel to work for justice
for underserved groups of people.
Her life left a lasting legacy.
She is a model to all Christians
fighting against racist principles and ideas
alive in the world, our hearts, and the Church.
We ask St. Katharine’s intercession
for us in this important work.


Choose one or two resources–books, movies, TV shows, etc., to better educate yourself on how to fight the evils of racism right where God has placed you.

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