Pause + Pray

Bless Our Pets


We often get swept up in the daily chores that come with pet ownership, whether it’s taking the dog for a walk, cleaning the cat litter, or feeding the fish. But if you’re a proud “parent” of a pet or have a “granddog” in your life, you realize that their enriching presence is a reflection of God’s love and worthy of offering up a prayer of thanksgiving.


God of creation,
you have blessed us with the companionship
of not only our human friends and family,
but also with our animal friends.
Many of us count them as family,
and they bring countless moments of both joy and solace.
Whether they are canine, feline, have scales,
or wear feathers, they all come from you.
We thank you for the warmth of their presence in our lives
and humbly accept the responsibility to be their caretakers on earth.


If you have a pet, take a moment to let your animal companion know that you love him or her. If you don’t, why not bring a small treat the next time you visit with a pet owner? Although they can’t say thank you in human language, they know they are loved and relish the love shown to them. 

Pause and Pray from Franciscan Media


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