Pontius Pilate had a sign put upon Jesus’ cross–written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek–that read “Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews” (John 19:19). Those who despised Jesus wanted this sign down! But Pilate refused. This sign can now be found near the top of most crucifixes, typically abbreviated as “INRI”–the Latin initials for Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum.
Oh God, thank you for the sign Pilate had placed
upon the cross of Jesus. I appreciate having this
now-very-present reminder of Jesus as king.
When I see “INRI” at the top of crucifixes,
help me to remember its meaning
and to appreciate the love of my king
and to make every attempt to return that love with love.
Perhaps with your children, search for as many crucifixes as you can find. Contemplate the paradox of Pilate’s sign unintentionally becoming a signal of faith for so many generations.