Pause + Pray

A Window Washed Clean

man washing windows wearing a hardhat


What do you want clarity on right now? Sometimes it takes such patience in prayer, waiting for guidance, of choices we need to make, things we might need to say to a loved one, or paths to take. 


How I long for clarity like a window washed clean,
to see the world through a clear square of glass, light coming in—
no raindrops having left the marks of overhead thunder.
No sign of yesterday’s hard storms.
Just today’s vista of the light.
Fresh air, sun, and soft sounds.
Just you in the landscape I see, hope-filled.


Trust today that, though a situation might be uncertain and murky, the answers you need will come; you will know to make the right choices. God is with you.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.