Franciscan Spirit Blog

Novena to Saint Clare | Day Three: Power of Community

It is not often that you hear mention of Saint Clare without also hearing of Saint Francis.


Glorious God, your Church has always been a diverse community.
Though our situations and life journeys may not look alike, we are connected by our faith in you.
Remind us that our brothers and sisters extend beyond our own families,
our own parishes, and our own countries.
Inspire us, as you did your beloved daughter, Clare, to act in the collegial and loving spirit of Francis,
her spiritual father and brother.


It is not often that you hear mention of Saint Clare without also hearing of Saint Francis. The two often seem to be a package deal. That is understandable, seeing as it was Francis who captivated Clare’s wonder as a young girl with his preaching in the town square. He helped lead her to her new and desired life of prayer and the two remained companions throughout their lives. Their ministries took on different forms—Francis among the people, Clare within the walls of San Damiano—but they never lost their connection. Francis was an inspiration for Clare; Clare was a constant support for Francis.

But Clare was also joined in her ministry by others, including her mother, Ortolana, her sisters Catherine and Beatrix, and her Aunt Bianca. Women from the surrounding area also began to find their way to San Damiano, eager to join this community focused on simplicity and Christ.

Life can be hard. When we face obstacles and challenges—both in life and our faith—it helps to have others to provide support, just like Clare found within her community. Try to be that person for someone today.

Consider this…

  • Who has been a steady companion and support for you in your life? Have you expressed your gratitude for their companionship?
  • What obstacles have you faced—or currently face—in your life? How have you dealt with them? Has prayer helped you through these struggles? How so?
  • Saint Clare lived an austere life, but she had a band of loyal sisters who shared it with her. How do you think you would have fared as one of the original Poor Clares? What would be the biggest challenge for you?

In Clare’s Own Words

“We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become.”

Light of Assisi: The Story of Saint Clare


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