Franciscan Spirit Blog

Novena to Saint Clare | Day Seven: Embrace the Quiet

In her way, Saint Clare reminds us that we should all step away
from the hustle and bustle of our lives once in a while.


Gentle God, those of us caught up in today’s fast-paced society,
look to the life of the humble Clare for guidance.
She never lost sight of what was truly important.
Teach us to slow down so that we may make a lasting impression on our world
by living out Christ’s ministry of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Show us how to set our sights on you, our only treasure.


Our world is very noisy. We are surrounded by distractions that constantly compete for our attention—cell phones, TV, computers, and so many other things. Saint Clare never could have imagined all of the distractions people would face in the future—except for maybe television, of which she is the patron saint. When we are constantly trying to keep up with the pace of the world, we run the risk of missing out on very important aspects of it and losing focus on our true life’s purpose. So often, quiet and solitude are difficult to come by.

After joining Francis and embarking on a new life with her sisters at San Damiano, Clare fully embraced the quiets and solitude of the convent, becoming wholly and completely focused on serving the Lord. What a stark contrast to modern-day life!

As Saint Clare reminds us, we should all step away from the hustle and bustle of our lives once in a while. Perhaps it is in that quiet that we will embrace quietness, find moments of peace, refocus on what is truly important, and reconnect with Christ.

Consider this…

  • What things in your life are keeping you from embracing moments of quiet? Is it social media? The news? Texts and tweets?
  • What can you do to change that? How can you fully extract yourself from distractions and focus on your prayer life?
  • If someone told you to go somewhere peaceful and quiet, where would you go?

In Clare’s Own Words

“Do not be disturbed by the clamor of the world, which passes like a shadow.”

Light of Assisi: The Story of Saint Clare


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