Franciscan Spirit Blog

Lent with Padre Pio: Second Wednesday

“Look what fame he had, what a worldwide following gathered around him! But why? Perhaps because he was a philosopher? Because he was wise? Because he had resources at his disposal? Because he said Mass humbly, heard confessions from dawn to dusk and was—it is not easy to say it—one who bore the wounds of our Lord. He was a man of prayer and suffering.”
—Pope Paul VI

Following Padre Pio’s death, Pope Paul VI told the Capuchin friars that what made Padre Pio such an important person to so many was his devotion to prayer and suffering. That falls right in line with Padre Pio’s declaration during his life that “I only want to be a poor friar who prays.” As unsettling as it was to him, Padre Pio became so much more to people through his life and ministry.

What a wonderful example he offers of accepting and living out who we feel we are truly called to be by Christ.

Note Padre Pio’s mention of “living water” in the text below. How can we drink from Christ’s waters in this day and age? How does that water sustain us?

In Padre Pio’s Own Words

You know how it pains me to see so many pitiful blind people fleeing hurriedly from this very gracious offer of the Master, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink” [John 7:37]. My soul is extremely distressed when I see these truly blind people who do not feel even a bit of mercy for themselves, whose passions have  robbed them of wisdom, and who do not even think about coming to drink the genuine water of paradise.

Take a look, my father, and tell me if I am right to be unhappy about the folly of these blind people. Look at how the enemies of the cross  triumph more every day. Oh heaven!

They are constantly on fire with thousands of desires for earthly satisfactions…. Jesus extends his very tender invitation to come and drink the living water, but oh God! What response does he get from these wretched people? They pretend not to understand, they flee, and, what is worse, after a long time these miserable people become accustomed to living in that fire for earthly satisfactions and grow older in the midst of those flames.

(To Fr. Agostino of San Marco in Lamis, October 10, 1915)

lent with padre pio


St. Pio, help us to stay true to ourselves and live our lives in the spirit of who Christ made us to be.


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