Creation Is a Ladder to God
While it was Christ who enabled Francis to see the truth of reality, namely, that everything is imbued with the goodness of God, it is
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While it was Christ who enabled Francis to see the truth of reality, namely, that everything is imbued with the goodness of God, it is
How do we center ourselves in the love of God? Clare’s answer is simple and disarming: Become poor.
To know God is to know the human person since the mystery of God is the human person.
Everything is sacred. The entire creation, including every person, is a sacrament of God.
To describe God as “humble” may seem outrageous or even scandalous. Who could stake one’s life on a humble God?
The simplest way to describe God’s poverty and humility is in terms of love. Love gives itself away—this is God’s poverty.
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