June 30, 2023

Image of a boy smiling

A High-Stakes Game

NOTHING MAKES YOU MORE AWARE of your own social privilege than being a White woman raising a Black teenage son. As such, I’ve learned a thing or two about the way the world works. It’s a high-stakes game; one with ...
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A Racial Reality Check

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a middle-aged, White woman who lives in a predominantly White area. I am privileged in ways that I probably don’t even comprehend. As a mom, I have never had to have “the talk” with my son ...
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U.S. Supreme Court building

High court strikes down affirmative action admission policies backed by Catholic universities

WASHINGTON (OSV News) — The Supreme Court ruled June 29 that institutions of higher education can no longer take race into consideration for admission, a landmark decision overturning previous precedent supported by many Catholic universities and colleges. Within higher education, ...
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Two women's hands

There Is Freedom in Forgiveness

Sometimes, the hardest person to forgive can be yourself. We’re often ready to let go of the wrongs others have committed against us but stubbornly hold on to our guilt about our own sins.
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God Has Been There the Whole Time

Was there a defining moment when Francis realized that it was God he was trying to love?
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