February 22, 2023

Pope marks anniversary of Russia’s ‘absurd, cruel’ war on Ukraine

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis asked, “Can the Lord forgive so many crimes and so much violence? He is the God of peace.” At the end of his weekly general audience Feb. ...
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Cross in a bowl of ashes

Displaying Our Faith

Sometimes, a person might seem to want to ask what the ashes on your forehead mean, but are too shy or don’t want to offend you by asking.
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Man reading a bible | Photo by Aaron Owens on Unsplash

The Undimmed Power of the Gospel

Francis took a literal approach to the Gospel. He began with the most basic interpretation of a text, but he didn’t stop there.
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Woman with ashes on her melon | Lent with St. Clare

Lent with St. Clare: Ash Wednesday

Today is the start of our Lenten journey. On our foreheads we wear ashes, a sign that we are made of dust and to dust we shall return. Such an outward sign conveys a message that words do not.
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