November 1, 2021

Saints atop St. Peter's in Rome

Quotes from Catholic Saints

“In His will is our peace,” sing the saints in Dante’s Divine Comedy. We cannot, however, truly be at peace unless we allow our conversion to God’s ways to be open-ended.
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Biden thanks pope for speaking up for the poor, fighting climate crisis

Pope Francis and U.S. President Joe Biden had an unusually long meeting at the Vatican Oct. 29, talking about the climate crisis and poverty, among other issues.
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All Your Saints

The presence or chorus of the saints—living and dead—reassures us that we never travel alone. They might say, “we got your back.”
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Blessed Are All the Saints

Jesus left no formal religious rule for his followers. The closest he came was his proclamation of the Beatitudes: Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, the merciful, the peacemakers
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