April 24, 2021

Dear Reader: The Ultimate Storyteller

There are certain books you read that stick with you. It might be the subject matter, the time of your life when you read it, or the way that the story was told.
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Film Reviews with Sister Rose

Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, reviews Lady of Guadalupe, A Week Away, and Roe v. Wade!
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5 Ways to Pray with Your Body

Integrating our spiritual and physical selves can lead to a richer prayer experience.
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Scenes from the life of Mary

Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary

As Mary grew older, what would she have thought about her role in the story of our faith tradition? A Franciscan writer imagines just that.
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Painting of people walking on waves

A Catholic Response to the Mental Health Crisis

Behind the statistics, facts, and figures on our nation's mental health crisis are human beings. How the Church and we respond can save lives and help get people who are suffering the help they need.
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