Sharing the Word for July 9, 2021

Friday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

July 9, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30

Joseph has now been identified as the long lost brother. His father and brothers are moving into Egypt–partly to escape the famine raging in Canaan, partly to share in Joseph’s lofty new position.

But God had conferred Canaan on Jacob and his family. It was the land that God had given to Abraham before that. God’s gift was not to be alienated.

The narrative makes it quite clear that the migration of Jacob and his family into Egypt was the result of a direct command from God. Moreover God promises that he will bring Abraham’s family back again out of Egypt in his own time, in his own way. The promise of numerous descendants made to Abraham–like all God’s promises–was being fulfilled.

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