Sharing the Word for January 1, 2021

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

January 1, 2021
Daily reading from the USCCB: Numbers 6:22-27

Today’s reading from the Book of Numbers is the text that the high priest used to bless assemblies of the Israelites. Today’s Christian liturgical observance is three-fold. We celebrate the octave of Christmas, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and New Year’s Day. Each aspect of today’s liturgy involves blessing from the Lord.

We recall the plan of salvation that reached its fulfillment in the birth of Jesus. We recall the gifts that prepared Mary to be mother of God. We look forward to all the good things that lie ahead in the new year.

Above all we acknowledge that God is the Lord of generosity and kindness. For all that God has given us and will give us, we offer our thanks today.

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