Sharing the Word for August 22, 2020

Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 22, 2020
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Matthew 23:1-12

Much of the teaching of the Jewish religious leaders was sound, at least insofar as it showed zeal for God and the Scriptures, but their practice was not in accord with what they taught.

Our prayers and religious practices must be consistent with the beliefs that we say we hold. They must not be merely external observances. Personal prayer, Mass attendance, reciting the rosary, the practice of charity toward those in need has to be focused, attentive, sincere. It has to be based on real commitment. Practice without faith conviction is useless.

But at the same time, belief without appropriate practice is meaningless. True religion involves real faith and fitting practice consistent with our faith. How authentic is my faith? How consistent is my practice?

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