Pause + Pray

Take Courage

boy jumping of dock into lake


Tobit was a very good and righteous man, yet he became quite distressed when he found himself blind and unable to support his family. When his son, Tobiah, met up with St. Raphael—disguised as a traveling companion called Azariah—he unwittingly introduced his father to an archangel! Tobit expressed his deeply upsetting state to the secreted angel, and Raphael replied with words of hope: “The young man [Raphael] said, ‘Take courage! God’s healing is near; so take courage!’” —Azariah/St. Raphael the Archangel (Tb 5:10)


St. Raphael,
During my days of
sadness or sickness or despair,
please pray that I too may find hope in God;
that I too may
not fall into despair. Help me to “take courage”
as you instructed Tobit to do! Amen.


When you happen upon a friend going through a difficult day of season in life, think of St. Raphael. Try to offer words of cheer. Strive to be an encouraging friend, with full knowledge that God is in the situation and will make all work in his favor in some way.

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