Change messes with us. I wish it weren’t so. Change messes with the tidy (manageable and predictable) script we tote for mental security. About the way life should be. “Now, we need to think outside the box,” someone posted online. “What box?” another wondered. Yes, indeed. It wouldn’t hurt to know where to begin.
Here’s what I know: When life is only about what we possess, or what we have lost, we miss seeing and hearing the truth about who we are at our core. We’ve lost the empowerment that comes from knowing that what is at our core (compassion, generosity, kind-heartedness, our capacity for connection) is greater than whatever change confronts or challenges us.
In other words, we have forgotten our best selves. We have forgotten that we were made for this, one soul helping another.
—from the book Stand Still: Finding Balance When the World Turns Upside Down
by Terry Hershey