Minute Meditations

Living with a Soft Heart

Our well-being is grounded in grace. And grace is a voice much bigger than all the other attachments where we may park value or significance. We see that dignity alive in the hearts and souls of those around us. Now, courage takes on a new meaning. Giving us the permission to say yes to choices that invite more soft hearts in a world that needs them. When we see with our heart, we know that, regardless of our differences, we are on this journey together. A tender heart affirms the inherent value in others, and asks, “What’s next?” This is the question the Good Samaritan asked as he stopped for the man in the ditch. Why did he ask it? Because he knew what it was like to be wounded, too. You see, once we are open to having our stereotypes contradicted, to giving up our expectations and demands, to embracing our brokenness, we begin to see with our wounded heart. When we see with our heart, we are grounded. We are consciously present, no longer numbed. And tender hearts create sanctuaries for those left out. So if ever there was a time for tender-hearted, courageous men and women to step forward, it is now.

—from the book Stand Still: Finding Balance When the World Turns Upside Down,
by Terry Hershey, page 94

Stand Still by Terry Hershey


3 thoughts on “Living with a Soft Heart”

  1. The first thing I notice in others is whether they respect themselves. If they don’t respect themselves, then they sure as hell are not going to respect me. Respect begets respect.

    Then I will look if they are happy or sad. Most people don’t like themselves and I encounter many, many people. Every now and then I will encounter someone that loves life and everyone around them. I can see it in their eyes. I will then blame it on the wife and tell her it is her fault! I will tell her to do her wifely duty and learn how to nag, nag, nag. Geesh, I don’t like seeing weird people, as I then go on my way.

  2. I am blessed to be married (newlyweds of 47yrs.) to a man who is 6’3″, 200 pounds, athletically agile and strong – a man’s man. But he needs to be big and strong because God also gave Bill a big, soft and tender heart which knows no bounds. A heart which has been hurt many times as he continually reaches out and takes into it whoever crosses his path…the poor, suffering, conflicted and confused. Billy is a champion of the underdog and marginalized. Each person my husband meets is a fellow pilgrim simply sharing a part of his journey with love and no judgement. And because of this, I have witnessed miracles – prayers answered, relationships mended, much needed work found and support offered when none existed. God is working through, with and in my husband and it has blessed my life.

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