Minute Meditations

Kindness Pleases God

adult helping child tying his shoes

“Let all that you do be done in love.”—1 Corinthians 16:14

God sees every act of love as great. Today do a small act of love for someone. Open a door for someone, or just say “please” or “thank you.” Believe that however small it seems, it is great in the eyes of God. Most of us are not called to do great deeds, but we can all do small things done with great love. Few of us are in a position to help hundreds of others—here or abroad—but we can reach out and help that one friend or neighbor or relative or stranger or child.

As Mother Teresa often said, “If you cannot feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”

—from the book Three Minutes with God: Reflections to Inspire, Encourage, and Motivate
by Monsignor Frank Bognanno

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