Franciscan Spirit Blog

Saint Francis Novena | Day Three: Freedom

Almighty, most high and supreme God,
Father, holy and just,
Lord, King of heaven and earth,
We give you thanks for yourself.
Of your own holy will you created all things
spiritual and physical,
made us in your own image and likeness,
and gave us a place in paradise,
Through your only Son, in the Holy Spirit.
And it was through our own fault that we fell.
(Rule of 1221, ch 23)


Everyone wants greater freedom, right? But what kind of freedom: to dominate and impose one’s will, to crush anyone who doesn’t see things my way? Or freedom to see the interconnections of all creation, especially the people made in the image and likeness of God?

A miser thinks that he is truly free, but isn’t he kidding himself? He is walling himself into a world where fewer and fewer people deserve his respect and where only what appears on a balance sheet is judged to be real and worthwhile. How much room is there for virtue in such a person?

The other capital sins (pride, lust, anger, envy, gluttony, and sloth) all promise greater freedom, yet yield only new forms of slavery. An addicted person is unlikely to describe himself or herself as living in slavery, but that is exactly what every type of addiction produces.

Truly holy people, such as Saint Francis, are always internally very free—even if they are imprisoned for what they know is true.

Saint Francis on…

Freedom: “With a pure heart, with a pure mind, imply freedom from all self-seeking and attachment to earthly goods, not freedom from the guilt of seeks above all else. We should make a dwelling-place within ourselves where he can stay, he who is the Lord God almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”


God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each person of
your Blessed Trinity is radically free yet fully in
harmony with the other two. Show us how to get beyond
thinking that selfishness is the best way to assure
our freedom. Help us take to heart Saint Paul’s words:
“Though he was rich, Christ became poor for your sake
so that you might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).

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5 thoughts on “Saint Francis Novena | Day Three: Freedom”

  1. Ot strikes me that freedom.comes from detachment… in all things… often confused with no caring.
    I used to coach tennis once and this is true for that too. The more you were attached to winning… the less free you would play… playing not to.lose.. anxiety would go.up, and performance goes down… there was no joy in play either.

  2. Br. Kevin Gusty Ty

    True freedom is to be free of our own selfishness. Then we are positioned, God willing, to move deeper in love in ways we never could previously imagine.

  3. Thank you for the reflections l am touched ‘true freedom is to be free of our own selfishness. It’s very true. This is the thought of the day.

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