Lent with the Saints: Paul
Old Testament readings take priority in Lent. Most of the First Readings on weekdays are from the Hebrew Scriptures; the First Reading each Sunday is chosen to recall the story of salvation.
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Old Testament readings take priority in Lent. Most of the First Readings on weekdays are from the Hebrew Scriptures; the First Reading each Sunday is chosen to recall the story of salvation.
Hosea 6:1–6; Psalm 51:3–4, 18–19, 20–21ab; Luke 18:9–14>
Picture the simple Dominican brother Martin de Porres moving humbly among the sick and poor of Lima, Peru, in the seventeenth century. His work was long and arduous as he cared for orphans, slaves, and poor children. His hours of prayer and penance strengthened this ministry. At first only a lay helper in this community, thinking himself unworthy to be a vowed religious, Martin was eventually invited into full membership.
No list of lenten saints would be complete without Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I was fortunate enough to see her in person in June 1981.
Luke’s Gospel gives one of many episodes in the story of Jesus where he drives out a devil and brings relief to a person who has been possessed.
St. Francis de Sales was marked by his family for a legal career, following in his father’s footsteps as a distinguished jurist in France.
In today’s Gospel, Peter asks Jesus a question: How often should we forgive a brother who offends us?
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