Overcoming Life’s Messiness
We often think of the world of the Scriptures as some perfect holy world—a utopia far different from the messiness of our daily lives.
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We often think of the world of the Scriptures as some perfect holy world—a utopia far different from the messiness of our daily lives.
Bl. Solanus demonstrated that holiness can be found in the simplest of actions.
Mercy is the sign of God’s ongoing presence in the world.
Each year the events in our lives offer us new insight into what the resurrection means for us and our loved ones.
The Bread of Life can fill an emptiness, a hunger, that gnaws at us. Sometimes all we have to do is show up.
The death and resurrection of Jesus reminds us that God knows it’s never easy. The Risen Christ bore the wounds of the cross as a sign of that.
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