St. Francis and the Cross of Christ
When we look at the mystery of Jesus, this evokes quite a different sense of the divine.
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When we look at the mystery of Jesus, this evokes quite a different sense of the divine.
Viewing Scripture as “love letters from God” causes us to pause and reconsider the significance of the Bible in our personal and communal lives of faith.
God as like a friend. Still others, including Jesus of Nazareth, speak of God as a father or a mother.
What do you do when you know what is right, but the rules forbid it?
Jesus’ death and resurrection express a reality that is complicated, emotionally moving, and yet joyful. Death does not have the last word. And that is indeed the good news. God is the one who will be there for us! God is the one who is concerned and cares for us! God is the one who, as we pray in Psalm 34, hears the cry of the poor!
God of community and love,
there are many times when
we are too quick to abandon Christ
on the cross.
Like those disciples who
feared for their lives,
things great and small cause
us to fear for ours.
Help us to see the two sides
of your Son’s passion,
the love and suffering that Jesus reveals to us,
models for us, calls us to live.
Open our eyes to the
truest meaning of bearing the name Christ,
so that we too may strive to love as you love,
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