August 27, 2023

End Racism sign

Ending Racism

Reflect “Let Us make man in our image, according to Our Likeness” (Gen 1:26). Sadly, we do not always see each other in this way. Racism is a reminder of our brokenness. Let us pray for the eyes to see ...
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book opened | Photo by Emily Park on Unsplash

Powerful Gifts

The three Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love bring you and me into a direct relationship with God.
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Sunday Soundbite for August 27, 2023

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle AAugust 27, 2023 This Sunday’s readings have a common element—Davidic keys as a symbol of authority. The reading from Isaiah narrates that Eliakim is in the line of David and that he will be ...
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