April 14, 2023

Man on a beach | Photo by Farhad Fallahzad on Unsplash

Notes from a Friar: God Speaks to All

God can and does communicate in ways we can’t imagine.
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Pope Francis greets members of the general assembly of the women's Union of Major Superiors of Italy during an audience at the Vatican April 13, 2023. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Set out with courage, pope tells Italian women religious

Despite declining numbers and sometimes a lack of appreciation from clergy, women religious are called to be courageous like the women disciples who discovered Jesus' empty tomb and rushed off to share the news of his resurrection, Pope Francis said.
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hummingbird on orange flower

Adam Named the Animals

Reflect The peregrine falcon, spotted fawn, playful dolphin: all show us different faces of God. A hummingbird smaller than most human fists can fly over 500 miles without resting. Each one visits 1,000 flowers a day and can dive at ...
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Take Up the Word of God

The Bread of Life can fill an emptiness, a hunger, that gnaws at us. Sometimes all we have to do is show up.
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