October 25, 2022

Ukraine dominates interreligious prayer for peace meeting

The international community must work for peace, and believers of all faiths must pray for it, but pressuring Ukraine to make peace with Russia would be to "consecrate the law of the strongest," French President Emmanuel Macron told religious leaders ...
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Orthodox priest in Ukraine

Catholic and Orthodox Groups in Ukraine

What is the difference between the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Are both of those Churches present in the United States?
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Finding Peace

In the cacophony of the world’s troubles, it can be difficult to find quiet. Consider how useful it is to the world to quiet yourself with prayer.
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Sister Thea Bowman: Instrument of Peace

St. Thea Bowman? Yes! She is a saint urgently needed in this country as Americans of every color struggle to tell their stories, understand each other’s pain, and find healing.
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Conversion Is an Unlearning

Jesus’ teaching is summarized in one line: “The time is fulfilled, and the Reign of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Gospel” (Mark 1:15)
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