Sharing the Word for October 10, 2022 – Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time – Year 2

Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

October 10, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 11:29-32

The crowd wants a sign–some clear proof of Jesus’ authority. “Convince us that you are speaking for God,” they say.

Jesus replies that the sign they are looking for will be given to them at the day of judgment when they stand before the Lord alongside the Ninevites to whom Jonah preached, alongside the queen of the south who came from afar to benefit from the wisdom of Solomon. They all accepted the word of God’s spokesmen. Jesus’ hearers do not. The sign that Jesus’ contemporaries are seeking will be the accusing finger of the Ninevites and of the queen of the south.

God’s representatives still proclaim the word of the Lord today to all who will listen. How attentive to them am I?

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