Pause + Pray


woman jumping and raising her arms, rejoicing


The apostle Paul counsels, “Rejoice in God always; again I will say, Rejoice!” Paul’s words gain credibility because they were penned in prison, where Paul was facing the possibility of being sentenced to death. Joy is an inner virtue, emerging from our relationship to God and gratitude for God’s gifts in our lives. Life is challenging and pain can’t be denied, but within the pain there be a greater joy that comes from knowing God is with you now and forever more as your companion in every season of life.


God of abundant joy,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
For your presence in my life.
Let me feel that you are always near
And that, in life and death,
I am yours.


Throughout the day in its ups and downs, remember that God is with you. You don’t need to deny pain or the crises we face as a nation and planet to see the deeper truth of God’s presence and affirm that nothing can separate you from the love of God. Rejoice in the simple gift of life and the opportunity to be God’s companion in healing the world. Look for seeds of joy in every endeavor.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.