Minute Meditations

Water Is My Refuge

feet surrounded by ocean water and sand

On mornings here, at the end of most of my journeys, nearer to the divide of life and death than youthful travel, I walk the beach with my Australian shepherd at my side, and I sense again, ever so briefly, in that hushed embrace of Sister Water, the rush of fresh air and exhilarating tingle of my cells with the touch of her spray, that the interior well is not gone but waiting—waiting to roll forth again to join her like the waves on the beach, waiting to be called, to be moved to journey again…inspired, unafraid, bold, directed, and determined.

Healing is ultimately a journey of interacting with water as a comforter, teacher, counselor, friend, or—as St. Francis named her—sister. I go to her every chance I get. I walk by the ocean in the morning. I coach rowing crews on her. I race on her. I take my vacations near her. I grew up along her shores. She is my refuge, spiritual and physical.

—from the book God’s Love Song: The Vision of Francis and Clare
by Murray Bodo, OFM, and Susan Saint Sing

God's Love Song

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