Minute Meditations

The Place You Call Holy

two metal gear grinding together.

Forget your cell, your cave, your place of prayer and be where you are—and in no other place. Be about your work, the demands of your world, of your day. Bring your whole self to serve wherever you are called.

I can say this with confidence because the self you bring is shaped by the place you call holy. It is like bringing the body that has exercised to sit at your desk. Even though you will not be exercising, the muscles you have stretched and strengthened will support you in your new task, one in which you are exercising your mind more than your muscles. This will happen—if you are spiritually in tune—much like gears shifting automatically in your car. You will choose what is best. You will be at home.

—from the book A Retreat with Saint Anthony: Finding Our Way
by Carol Ann Morrow

A Retreat with Saint Anthony | Franciscan Media

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