Minute Meditations

Pray for Me

hands folded in prayer while holding a rosary

In intercessory prayer, I speak to God on behalf of another and their petition, be it a person, situation, or a community. In this way, reflecting on someone else and interceding for them is a manifestation of genuine love for another. Intercessory prayer also reminds me that I am not in charge, that more often than not, there is nothing that I can “do” for someone in need. 

But intercession is not only praying for someone else’s needs. It is holding that person or situation in prayer—with trust and confidence that God will take care of all, and that whatever happens next, it will all be well. It’s an intimate petition to our Father in heaven. This is praying to the Father as Jesus did. 

—from St. Anthony Messenger‘s “Let Us Pray: Interceding for One Another
by María Ruiz Scaperlanda

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