From the depth of St. Francis’ relationship with God, he intuited a profound understanding of the human ego. These words from St. Paul likely resonated with Francis: “Knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up” (1 Cor 8:1).
Not unlike our age, Francis saw firsthand how “knowledge” led to division rather than connection and humility: in the spiritual and scriptural justification for the Crusades, in the widening disconnect between clergy and laity, and in academia in which the study of theology remained in the head and never became “incarnational” in a person’s life. In the Franciscan tradition, charity—which is rooted in love—arose from one’s connection to the “other.” Some scholars conclude Francis’ Christian conversion fundamentally unfolded as his relationship with lepers continued to deepen and grow. Lepers who were once “bitter” to Francis not only became “sweet,” but also held the key to his own continued conversion as a follower of Christ.
—from St. Anthony Messenger‘s “Building Peace in a Nation Divided“
by Stephen Copeland