Pause + Pray

Outstretched Net

man sitting quietly on a rock by a lake.


It is easy some days for our minds to race with thoughts, doubts, ideas, and anxieties and lose touch with our hearts in the process. The Franciscan way is one of embodiment and seeking to be in touch with our own hearts. We reconnect with our hearts when we reconnect with God.


Why all these thoughts? Why all these doubts?
You’ve always taken care of me. I know that to be true.
In my heart I know it to be true.
Yet some days, some nights, and, some seasons, most days, most nights,
my mind stretches like a net collecting anything, everything
in murky waters beneath.
I carry it through the day, almost sinking with the weight.
Lord, captain my heart toward still, clear waters; unleash me on the glass.
Help me empty the net in the deep behind me.
My heart longs to be free.


It is only human for the mind to gravitate toward negativity, unknowing, or anxiety. But if you at all find yourself mentally spiraling today, consider stopping what you’re doing, quieting your surroundings, and placing your hand on your heart as you listen to the silence. In the stillness of this moment, be gentle with yourself, extend grace to yourself, and ask God to help you reconnect with your heart.

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