Pause + Pray

Adoration to Action


Every Wednesday morning at 2 a.m., Charlie wakes up, gets dressed, and drives to his parish for an hour of eucharistic adoration. Every Saturday, he drives two hours to have lunch with his college roommate Bill, who doesn’t recognize Charlie because he has early onset Alzheimer’s. When I asked Charlie why he made those Saturday trips to someone who doesn’t recognize him, his answer challenged me. “It’s a way for me to put into action what I learn every Wednesday morning.” Our eucharistic adoration should lead to eucharistic action—a life of service, surrender, and sacrifice.


Selfless Jesus, you come to me in the Eucharist
and remind me how you broke your body
and poured out your blood for the salvation of all.
May the time I spend with you in eucharistic adoration
be a vivid reminder that as a disciple,
I too, am called now to a life of selflessness.
May my eucharistic adoration transform me
into the Bread of Life for others.


Following time spent in eucharistic adoration, commit to doing a specific act of charity.

Buy Gratitude and Grit: The Life of Blessed Solanus Casey


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