Pause + Pray

A Heart Not Only Broken, but Open


Grief over the death of a loved one is one of the sharpest pains the human heart can feel. The heartache of loss can last a long time and even get in the way of nurturing relationships with our living loved ones. God’s love for us and those we have lost is the healing light we need to see the way forward.


Dear God,
I have a dull, aching pain in my heart
that sometimes swells with sadness.
I get a knot in my throat,
and then the tears begin—again.

I’ve lost someone dear to me,
and now my despair
feels deeper than ever.

I know I’ll never “get over” this loss,
but I humbly ask you
to help guide me through grief
to a place of understanding
and acceptance.
May I take comfort
that my loved one is with you,
and you are with me.


Take a moment and think of one way you brought joy to a loved one who has passed away. Recognize the inherent good of that word or deed, and offer up a quick thank-you to God for having been able to experience it.

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